OAR fails with deep learning heat-pde example

Hello @rob

I did a fresh install of melissa as per the documentation on G5K and the binaries are generated ~/.local/.

I was able to obtain the results for Sensitivity Analysis example using config_oar.json However, when I run the DL example, it is producing strange errors regarding melissa-server binary.

I have pasted all the logs and the config_oar.json. Could you please confirm if the configurations (at the end) are correct? I haven’t made any major changes except for the paths and oarsub specific arguments.


I was able to run the DL study with the following option by removing the GPU request for oarsub.

        "scheduler_arg_server": [

Any thoughts on this?


You can see strange import errors as well as syntax error (which is most likely coming from a shell script).

+ . /home/apurandare/melissa/melissa_set_env.sh
+ export PATH=/home/apurandare/melissa/install/bin:/home/apurandare/melissa/build/.melissa/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.vscode-server/bin/019f4d1419fbc8219a181fab7892ebccf7ee29a2/bin/remote-cli:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/grid5000/code/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/apurandare/melissa/install/lib:
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/lib:
+ export MELISSA_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/apurandare/melissa/install
+ export PYTHONPATH=:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/lib:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/melissa:/home/apurandare/melissa
+ export PATH=/home/apurandare/.local/bin:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/bin:/home/apurandare/melissa/build/.melissa/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.vscode-server/bin/019f4d1419fbc8219a181fab7892ebccf7ee29a2/bin/remote-cli:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/grid5000/code/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin
+ export PYTHONPATH=/home/apurandare/.local/::/home/apurandare/melissa/install/lib:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/melissa:/home/apurandare/melissa
+ date
+ echo DATE                      =Fri 08 Mar 2024 10:09:21 AM CET
+ hostname -s
+ echo Hostname                  =drac-5
+ pwd
+ echo Working directory         =/home/apurandare/melissa/examples/heat-pde/heat-pde-dl/STUDY_OUT
+ echo 
+ echo /home/apurandare/.local/::/home/apurandare/melissa/install/lib:/home/apurandare/melissa/install/melissa:/home/apurandare/melissa
+ set -e
+ exec melissa-server --project_dir /home/apurandare/melissa/examples/heat-pde/heat-pde-dl/ --config_name config_oar
/home/apurandare/.local/bin/melissa-server: 3: import: not found
/home/apurandare/.local/bin/melissa-server: 4: import: not found
from: too many arguments
/home/apurandare/.local/bin/melissa-server: 7: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "then")
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[30255,1],0]
  Exit code:    2


#OAR -O ./stdout/oar.0.out
#OAR -E ./stdout/oar.0.err
#OAR --resource /nodes=1/gpu=1/core=1,walltime=01:00:00
exec mpirun -machinefile "$OAR_NODE_FILE" \
  -- env MELISSA_LAUNCHER_HOST=fgrenoble MELISSA_LAUNCHER_PORT=40145 MELISSA_LAUNCHER_PROTOCOL=SCTP MELISSA_FAULT_TOLERANCE=OFF MELISSA_RESTART=0 PATH=/home/apurandare/melissa/build/.melissa/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/home/apurandare/.vscode-server/bin/019f4d1419fbc8219a181fab7892ebccf7ee29a2/bin/remote-cli:/home/apurandare/.guix-profile/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/grid5000/code/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin:/home/apurandare/.local/bin /home/apurandare/melissa/examples/heat-pde/heat-pde-dl/STUDY_OUT/server.sh


set -x

# Melissa will paste the `preprocessing_instructions`

# the remainder of this file should be left untouched. 
# melissa-launcher will find and replace values in 
# curly brackets (e.g. /home/apurandare/melissa/melissa_set_env.sh) with 
# the proper values.
. /home/apurandare/melissa/melissa_set_env.sh

echo "DATE                      =$(date)"
echo "Hostname                  =$(hostname -s)"
echo "Working directory         =$(pwd)"
echo ""

set -e

exec melissa-server --project_dir /home/apurandare/melissa/examples/heat-pde/heat-pde-dl/ --config_name config_oar

DL: config_oar.json

// Please make sure that all entries preceded by a comment including
// the "FIXME" keyword are changed before running Melissa with this
// config file
    // FIXME: the server_filename enables to switch between torch (default) and tensorflow servers (tf_heat_pde_dl.py)
    "server_filename": "heatpde_dl_server.py",
    "server_class": "HeatPDEServerDL",
    "output_dir": "STUDY_OUT",
    "study_options": {
        "field_names": [
        // parameter_sweep_size is the number of clients (i.e. simulations) to execute
        "parameter_sweep_size": 20,
        // num_samples is the number *expected* from the simulation, not the set number
        // if this number is not provided the server will get it at client finalization
        "num_samples": 100,
        "nb_parameters": 5,
        "parameter_range": [100, 500],
        // this option sets Nx = Ny = mesh_size
        "mesh_size": 100,
        // this option yields dt = 1 / time_discretization but does not change num_samples
        "time_discretization": 100,
        "seed": 123,
        "simulation_timeout": 10,
        "crashes_before_redraw": 1000,
        "verbosity": 2
    "dl_config": {
        "n_batches_update": 10,
        "batch_size": 10,
        "per_server_watermark": 100,
        "buffer_size": 6000,
        "zmq_hwm": 10,
        "buffer": "FIFO"
    "launcher_config": {
        "http_port": 6666,
        "scheduler": "oar",
        // the following option enables to execute the server on
       	// two non-radeon like GPUs (LYON)
        // "scheduler_arg_server": [
        //     "gpu=2/core=1,walltime=01:00:00",
        //     "-t exotic",
        //     "-p gpu_model NOT LIKE 'Radeon%'"
        // ],
        "scheduler_arg_server": [
            "-t exotic",
            "-p cluster='drac'"
        // replacing the option above with the one below will
        // have for consequence to execute the server on two cores instead
        // "scheduler_arg_server": [
        //     "core=2,walltime=01:00:00"
        // ],
        "scheduler_arg_client": [
        "job_limit": 11,
        "timer_delay": 1,
        "fault_tolerance": false,
        "verbosity": 2
    "client_config": {
        // FIXME: the executable command needs to be replaced with the appropriate path
        "executable_command": "$HOME/melissa/examples/heat-pde/executables/build/heatc",
        // all bash commands to be executed on the job node prior to melissa study
        "preprocessing_commands": [
            // ". $HOME/.init-melissa.sh",
            // "module load openmpi/4.1.5_gcc-10.4.0",
            // "melissa-env"
    "server_config": {
        "preprocessing_commands": [
            // ". $HOME/.init-melissa.sh",
            // "module load openmpi/4.1.5_gcc-10.4.0",
            // "melissa-env"

SA: config_oar.json

// Please make sure that all entries preceded by a comment including
// the "FIXME" keyword are changed before running Melissa with this
// config file
    "server_filename": "heatpde_sa_server.py",
    "server_class": "HeatPDEServerSA",
    "output_dir": "STUDY_OUT",
    "study_options": {
        "field_names": [
        // when Sobol indices are computed, parameter_sweep_size is the number of groups to execute
        // otherwise it is the number of clients (i.e. simulations) to execute
        "parameter_sweep_size": 10,
        "num_samples": 100,
        "nb_parameters": 5,
        "parameter_range": [100, 200],
        "simulation_timeout": 400,
        "crashes_before_redraw": 1000
    "sa_config": {
        "mean": true,
        "variance": true,
        "skewness": true,
        "kurtosis": true,
        "sobol_indices": false
    "launcher_config": {
        // the standard oar scheduler is invoked with the following options
        "scheduler": "oar",
        "scheduler_arg_server": [
        "scheduler_arg_client": [
        // otherwise an hybrid scheduling strategy based on job containers
        // and taking advantage of the best-effort queue can be requested
        // "scheduler": "oar-hybrid",
        // "container_max_number_of_clients": 5,
        // "besteffort_allocation_frequency": 2,
        // "scheduler_arg_container": [
        //     "core=6,walltime=01:10:00"
        // ],
        // "scheduler_arg_server": [
        //     "core=1,walltime=01:00:00"
        // ],
        // "scheduler_arg_client": [
        //     "core=1,walltime=00:10:00"
        // ],
        "fault_tolerance": false,
        "verbosity": 2
    "client_config": {
        // FIXME: the executable command needs to be replaced with the appropriate path
        "executable_command": "$HOME/melissa/examples/heat-pde/executables/build/heatc 100 100 100",
        // all bash commands to be executed on the job node prior to melissa study
        "preprocessing_commands": [        "scheduler_arg_server": [

            // ". $HOME/.init-melissa.sh",
            // "module load openmpi/4.1.5_gcc-10.4.0",
            // "melissa-env"


Look like the melissa-server is not executed as a Python script, but rather as a shell script. DOuble check the header of melissa-server. The server is different for DL and SA.

1 Like

Hey Abhishek,

I was able to run the DL study with the following option by removing the GPU request for oarsub .

Sounds like you may be setting the resources incorrectly (which G5k cluster are you on?). If you want to use GPUs, I would recommend sticking to using Nancy, then just using the exact resource definition show here: examples/heat-pde/heat-pde-dl/config_oar.json · develop · melissa / Melissa · GitLab

Let me know if this works, if not, please zip up the entire output folder and post it here for me to review. This folder should contain the necessary clues to figure out where the problem may be.

Okay. I will try this on Nancy. I was using Grenoble. I’ll let you know. Thanks

Hi Robert, It seems to be working as expected on Nancy.